Eastern FurMeets: EFM Gamers Heaven

Please sign up: forms.gle 

It’s that time again! We’re having our next gaming meet at Gamers Heaven this weekend, Saturday, 3/16/2024, at 5pm
Location & Hours

Gamers Heaven Phoenixville
275 Schuylkill Road
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460
(610) 933-2561

Admission has a $15 (+ tax (comes to $16 and change)) cover charge.

The location is fursuit friendly!

The location has its own food to buy, so please don’t bring your own.

Also, we request that all those attending have masks, for the health and safety of each other. Even with COVID not being as prevalent, we don’t know if our peers have a compromised immune system, so please abide by this rule.

to (America/New_York time)
to (Europe/London time)

Welcome to Eastern FurMeets, based in Limerick, PA! (Pennsylvania)

Telegram: t.me
Facebook: www.facebook.com
Discord: www.facebook.com

275 Schuylkill Rd