Your Local Wildlife: YLW @ Field of Terror

Haunted Attraction Furmeet at the Field of Terror!!
Event Location: Field of Terror - 831 Windsor-Perrineville Rd East Windsor, NJ 08520
Dinner Location: Mcdonald's - 1 Gateway Blvd, Monroe Township, NJ 08831
Time: We will be meeting between 6:30-7:00 for dinner and then we will be at the farm by 8:00pm (Please look up addresses and get to the event on time!! If you are having a delay please let us know in the main YLW group on telegram or PM @fawnix)

Additional Information:
- All YLW rules apply at the event.
- Please by FULLY vaccinated!
- You MUST have a mask with you at the event. Mask wearing will be highly encouraged when we are close to strangers who we are unsure about their vaccination status. Please keep in mind, while we are all vaccinated, we still have immuno-compromised individuals among us so let's keep each other as safe as possible.
-Rain Date info: The weather for Sunday looks okay with rain only expected in the AM. Our chosen rain date of Saturday October 9th is looking like rain so a new rain date will be decided if we experience a rain-out this Sunday.

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North NJ Area furmeets

831 Windsor-Perrineville Rd
East Windsor, NJ 08520