Cascadia Furs: UFO Festival Parade

💚👽💙 Our Next meet will be at the UFO festival in McMinnville on Sunday May 14th!
We have reserved a spot to be in the UFO parade with our theme being

🛸Out of this World!🛸

Join us for the parade and for a fun day at the festival we will be meeting up at Noon to enjoy the festivities with the parade starting at 3:30pm!
Be creative with your outfit if you can! Have fun dressing up to match the theme though just fursuiting is also welcome! 👽
Don't have a fursuit? That's fine too!
Having friends who are out of suit is just as good since fursuiters can have trouble seeing and might need help fending off tail tuggers and surprise huggers!

You can still dress up in something fun and out of this world! 🛸

We recommend bringing snacks and/or food and drink money since it is a festival and we will be there for a while!
We will have some water but we recommend bringing some of your own as well to stay hydrated throughout the event! 💧
Fans are also recommended since suiting outside in the warm weather can be very exhausting and we don't want anyone to make themselves sick! 🥵

And since we are in the PNW we recommend bringing your rain gear! Pack an umbrella,and whatever else you may need if it rains ☔

We are currently waiting on the set up info for the parade but we should be hearing back from the festival with those details by the 29th so we will post another announcement with more information then!

So keep an eye out for updates! 👀💙

The event itself will have a lot going on and goes on until 11pm but our official meet will end shortly after the parade so anyone can choose to stay for as long as they like or leave if they are too tired to party on! 🥳🎉👽

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A furmeet group serving the Cascadia region of the Pacific Northwest! Meets are for vaccinated attendees only.