Irish Furries: Dublin Zoo FUrmeet

Alright ye animals, we're sending ye back to the zoo!

That's right, a furmeet is happening at Dublin Zoo on the 25th of May! We'll be meeting outside the main entrance at 12pm (that's the afternoon, not midnight). They have a new Himalayan exhibit that sneps are dying to see

We'll be having lunch in the Meerkat Restaurant within Dublin Zoo at 2pm too, feel free to join us!

Some rules:
🐯 No fursuits/fursuit parts/ears/tails or face paint (it can freak out the animals)
🐯 18+ only
🐯General zoo etiquette is necessary (no provoking animals, no loud noises, respect others and their space, etc.)

This meet is being organized by Balese, so questions can go to them. Feel free to message them on Telegram (@Balese) if you plan on attending or have any queries!

to (Europe/Dublin time)
to (Europe/London time)

More details:


More Information

Irish furry community

We have a large online social community and have events mainly hosted in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, and Galway!

Our meets are for Furries who live in Ireland and Northern Ireland, but international visitors are also welcome to join our community and our events.

Saint James' (part of Phoenix Park)