Mile High Furries: Southern Colorado Art Jam

Come on down and join us for a Southern Colorado art jam held at the Pueblo West library, GLFC RM. Talk about anthro art, the creative process and engage in art making with other artists. This meet is open to all skill levels.
The small room has been reserved, meaning there is only room for 10 folks. Masks are welcome because of the small room.

Bring sketchbooks, Pencils, Pens, Markers, etc! I will have a few basic supplies to share with others.
Tails and/or ears at own risk. We will be making art and artists will not be held responsible if something happens.
If you make a mess, clean it up.
Bring SFW reference sheets if you want to do trades.
Kids (under 17) need a guardian with them. This is a safety and library requirement.
Hateful/offensive behavior, appearance and speech will not be tolerated.
If you are ill or have been recently exposed to someone ill, please stay home. There will be other meets.

I have a small box of fursuit stuff I would like to give away if anyone wants it.

to (America/Denver time)
to (Europe/London time)

More details:

More Information

Welcome to the Mile High Furries group! We are a no-muss, no-fuss furry group that aims to provide the best meets for furry-kind in Colorado. All types of furries are welcome, whether you're an artist, fursuiter, crafter, or just furry-adjacent. We aim to have fun and be fuzzy! So whether you're from Denver, Longmont, the Springs, or Fort Collins, we have your hook up to the furry scene!

298 S Joe Martinez Blvd
Pueblo West