Furdance Budapest: Winter Furs 2022

Introducing Winter Furs!

We make sure that not only summer and autumn but also winter become unforgettable! What can you expect? Music, company, cocktails, and let’s not forget about the sauna and jacuzzi either. Just like at summer but in winter coat.

The time has finally come, during this cold period there is nothing better than spending time with good friends in a warm place.
Our team is waiting for you with another relaxing weekend.
Registration for the event will open at 20:00 on the winterfurs.hu website.
Make winter unforgettable!

Code of Conduct:

to (Europe/Budapest time)
to (Europe/London time)

More details: winterfurs.hu

Tickets: winterfurs.hu

More Information

Furdance Budapest...now more than just a dance!

The first Furdance Budapest event was held in 2018, and the purpose of the organizers was to provide Hungary's very first Furdance event. Furdance, as the main event, is held at the end of September each year. What started with a one-night event grew to a 3-day one, which provides not only the dance itself, but other events for the members of the furry community.

Our team organizes several online and offline events during the year as well: Summer Furs, Hello Budapest, Second Life Party, Furdance Tournament.

Furdance Budapest is in close contact with other events as well, and often cooperates with them.