South Dakota Furs: Sodak Second Furmeet: Summer @ The Falls

the 2nd furmeet event is this saturday (aug 14) @ falls park, sioux falls, SD

food being brought so far:
pulled pork, nacho chips, water
cheese dip
snacks/treats, water

if anyone else wants to bring food feel free to message @dudewithgames
or @sodakfurs on Twitter.

other stuff include:
video gaming stuff (gaming tower, multiple monitors, switch, maybe 2 ps4s depending on what people want lmao)
retro gaming stuff
that cornhole game

to (America/North_Dakota/Center time)
to (Europe/London time)

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🐾 Representing furries in South Dakota and the surrounding areas! 🎉 Want to join our Telegram and check out our upcoming events? Click on our website below!

Sioux Falls
South Dakota