Pinefur Meets: Fur the Howl-idays (21+ party)

When is it?
Friday Dec. 22nd 2023, 8pm - 1am

Where is it?
Hopatcong, NJ

How much is it?
Buy tickets here!

High Roller Bundle: $40

Santa Inferior's Workshop Bundle: $35


Please only RSVP if you are fairly positive you're going to be there. It helps us a lot with planning to have an accurate count!

Details about Fur the Howl-idays

Event begins promptly at 8pm. This is a potluck so please bring along food to contribute. You may also bring along your own alcohol if you wish to contribute to the bar. There will be party games set up, firepits outside, and a 3-drink menu at the bar. There will be areas set up for a poker tournament and a workshop where you can make souvenirs to take home. Please see our Ko-fi shop above for details. The party will end promptly at 1am.

Limited accomodation may be available to anyone unfit or uncomfortable to drive home after the party.

This event is in a private residence, please respect the owner's space as per the Code of Conduct below.

Fursuiting is allowed.

Please adhere to the alcohol policy.

Code of Conduct:

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More details:


More Information

We are an organization that hosts meets primarily for furries and fursuiters in the Southern NJ area.