NYC Furries: Masa Sushi w/ Furries!

Calling all carnivores (herbivores welcome too)! Join us at Masa Sushi, a cozy and welcoming venue located in Hicksville, New York, for an unforgettable furry gathering! Prepare to indulge in a delectable array of sushi delights, from classic rolls to creative specialty dishes that cater to every palate. Masa Sushi is an all-you-can-eat buffet, so nothing's stopping us animals!!

RSVP Required: Yes, before Nov 16, 2023.
Minors Allowed: Yes Cost for LIRR ticket from Grand Central/34 st to Hicksville, closest station: $20.50 round trip. A bus can get you there faster from Hicksville (n79), to and from, for $5.50 more.
Price: All-You-Can-Eat for $36.52, 2 hours. Includes tax and gratuity. Your food will be paid for after paying the event fee. You can also pay cash in-person.
Fursuit Friendly: Not really, but no one’s stopping you from bringing a fursuit to a restaurant. You might surprise the employees though.

We also have a Discord server for NYFurs related events, which was the original post this event was hosted. Join to stay notified of other future events!

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About NYC Furries

What adventures await you within the urban jungle? NYC Fur is a hub for any Furry to create meetups within and around the city. Discover new animal friends, enjoy hanging out with them: that's what we do. (New York)

828 S Oyster Bay Rd