NYC Furries: R1NYFs

This event happens every month! We welcome our fellow New York furries to this location to enjoy some rhythm, fighting and crane games!
If you haven't been to Round 1 before, it's a great hangout spot with multiple floors filled with various arcade games, karaoke rooms, and food/drink options. It's a popular spot for furries to gather and make new friends.

With enough interest, we may host a bowling game at around 5 PM. At 7PM, we'll pick a place in the mall to eat together.

RSVP Required: No, but we'd prefer if you do!
Minors Allowed: Yes
Cost for LIRR ticket from Grand Central/34 st: $20.50 round trip.
People typically spend $20-30 on this event. Depending on what the group feels, our dinner will cost extra.
Fursuit Friendly: Depends on if a certain manager is in the building, but bring your fursuit. You already lug it around anyways :”3

We also have a Discord server for NYFurs related events, which was the original post this event was hosted. Join to stay notified of other future events!

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About NYC Furries

What adventures await you within the urban jungle? NYC Fur is a hub for any Furry to create meetups within and around the city. Discover new animal friends, enjoy hanging out with them: that's what we do. (New York)