NYC Furries: Ice Skating with Furries~

Disclaimer: This event is free only if you have your own skates. This event may be canceled.

Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of ice skating with furries at Bryant Park! Whether you're a seasoned skater or a beginner, this event is open to all levels of experience. We may go out to eat somewhere after the event! This is our first time attempting an ice skate meet with other furs !

Minors Allowed: Yes
Cost (minus transit): $15 - $30 depending on the day. Will update with a more definitive price later.
Fursuit Friendly: No (but maybe after ice skating is ok :3c)

We also have a Discord server for NYFurs related events, which was the original post this event was hosted. Join to stay notified of other future events!

to (America/New_York time)
to (Europe/London time)

Maybe attending: 1 person.

About NYC Furries

What adventures await you within the urban jungle? NYC Fur is a hub for any Furry to create meetups within and around the city. Discover new animal friends, enjoy hanging out with them: that's what we do. (New York)