Memfurs X Crosstown

MemFurs is announcing a brand-new, fursuit-friendly meet at Crosstown Concourse!

1350 Concourse Ave, Memphis, TN 38104


Event Rules

1. Be Respectful of the space and staff, people outside our event's group, and each other. This is an all-ages event and venue, so please be mindful. Most fursuiters prefer you ask before hugging. NO MEANS NO.

2. No Harassment, hate speech, bigotry, racism, or homophobia/transphobia will be tolerated. TELL AN ADMIN or SECURITY if you feel uncomfortable or threatened by anyone.

3. To Fursuiters: DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES in your car. Your belongings can be set by us inside will likely not be tampered with. We will not be responsible for anything stolen, but we will coordinate the best we can for misplaced items.

4. Video & Photography will be welcomed and encouraged! Just be mindful of headless fursuiters, as some prefer only to be pictured in fursuit.

5. Guardians - Anyone under 18 MUST be accompanied by a guardian.

Venue Expectations

- Suggestive gear is NOT allowed! (Sorry, pup hoods are not allowed!)
- Patronage is encouraged!

Important Notices:
There are plenty of bathrooms and elevators on each level, for ease of access.

Suiting is welcomed in the main building, but if you have to go in to a shop or restaurant, make sure to have your head removed for ease of communication and security.

If you have any questions about the building, restaurants, shops or anything regarding the concourse, feel free to message or chat with Dani, as they work in the building and know the layout and general info some might need or want!
Food, Bar & Restaurants:

Abners Chicken
Wolf River Brisket
French Truck Coffee
Farm Burger (may or may not be open)
Global Cafe
Crosstown Brewery
The Mad grocer/deli
The Bakery

Across the street there's is also a pinball bar called flip side! Great for an after hangout.

We look forward to seeing you there!

to (America/Chicago time)
to (Europe/London time)

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